Possibly the most daunting of the three boards was the Welcome board. This puppy stands 8.5 feet tall by 12 feet wide and is the first thing one sees when entering the offices. It serves as a welcome to guests as well as a directory pointing the way to important places (like the coffee station).
So the pressure was on. My initial thought was for the company name to read like the road signs one sees when entering a new town on the interstate. I wanted just a hint of kitsch (perhaps the Vegas influence) and so created a cut-out-looking sun. I even toyed with the idea of putting legs on the sign and a population count - but as the other walls came together, the whole idea seemed too literal. So I kept it in the same marquee sign style - but the sun stayed.
They had a few ideas for nerdy-in-the-good-way touches they wanted to add. I was asked to include their spookily-named supply closet in the left-pointing directional and a treat for Lost fans appears in the lower right corner of the board.
I’m saving the best board for last - the upcoming Core Values design is not to be missed!