Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Baristanet Profile
Happy End-of-August, everyone! I'm on vacation this week, soaking up the last few days of summer with the family, so I hope you'll forgive me for cheating repurposing this week's post. A few months ago, Baristanet featured me as their weekly profile. In it, I talk a little about the beginnings of Stellabird Creative, and as well as some of my favorite things about Montclair, my favorite town in the world (ugh I knooow, I just said that about Cozumel...) It was fun! Like answering those email surveys we used to pass around in 1999 (you remember those...) If you have ever wondered what I listen to while I work or what is on my nightstand, now's your chance to find out! Back to our regularly scheduled programming next week.